National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo is a museum located in Rome, inside the Castel Sant'Angelo (or Mole Adrianorum or Castellum Crescentii in the 10th-12th century)

The museum houses a vast collection of art and artifacts documenting the history of the castle and the city of Rome.
The collection includes paintings, sculptures, weapons, armor and tapestries. The museum also hosts a number of temporary exhibitions.

Monument of Rome, located on the right bank of the Tiber in front of the pons Aelius (current Ponte Sant'Angelo), a short distance from the Vatican, between the districts of Borgo and that of Prati.

It is connected to the Vatican State through the fortified corridor of the "passetto".

The castle has been radically modified several times in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Property of MiBAC, the Museum in December 2014 became part of the Lazio Museum Complex.

National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo
Address: Lungotevere Castello, 50, 00193
Phone: 06 6896003
https://castelsantangelo.beniculturali.it/Location inserted by