The church of San Giorgio in Velabro is a Catholic place of worship in the historic center of Rome, located in the Ripa district, in via del Velabro.

The church, the result of the 9th century expansion of a previous deacon building, and later remodeled several times, stands near the so-called Arco di Giano and immediately next to the Arco degli Argentari, in the small square of the Cloaca Massima, not far from the place. in which the legend places the finding of the twins Romulus and Remus by the she-wolf.

The church, which falls within the territory of the parish of Santa Maria in Portico in Campitelli, is a rectory entrusted to the order of the Holy Cross, and is the seat of the diaconate of San Giorgio in Velabro, among which cardinal holders are the future popes Bonifacio IX (1381-1385) and Martin V (1406-1417).

As well as Blessed Peter of Luxembourg (1384-1387, pseudocardinal of the antipope Clement VII) and Saint John Henry Newman (1879-1890).

It is also the stationary church of Thursday after Ash, established as such by Pope Gregory II (715-731).

Church of San Giorgio in Velabro
Address: Via del Velabro, 19, 00186
Phone: +390669797536
http://sangiorgioinvelabro.org/Location inserted by
Pierpaolo Dori