The Castello di Rivoli is a building of historical interest located in Rivoli, about 15 km west of Turin, in Piedmont.

In the past it was a Savoy residence, while today it is one of the Museums of Contemporary Art.

A primitive construction probably dates back to the 9th century, placed to guard over the small hillside behind the historic center of Rivoli.

A first written document dates back to 1159, in a diploma with which the emperor Frederick I Barbarossa ceded the territories addressed to the bishops of Turin.

However, at the end of the twelfth century, the Savoy family took possession of it, as it was a strategic position between Turin and the Val di Susa.

Castello di Rivoli - Museums of Contemporary Art - CRRI Research Center
Address: Piazzale Mafalda di Savoia, 10098
Phone: 011 956 5222
https://www.castellodirivoli.org/Location inserted by