CulturalHeritageOnline: Cortina d'Ampezzo

Cortina d'Ampezzo

Cortina d'Ampezzo (Anpezo in Ladino, Hayden in German, obsolete) is an Italian municipality in the province of Belluno in the Veneto region.

Nicknamed the "Queen of the Dolomites", it is the largest and most famous of the 18 municipalities that make up Ladinia, as well as a renowned winter and summer tourist resort, the scene of numerous sporting events of international importance related to the mountains and winter sports.

It hosted the 1956 Winter Olympics and will host the 2026 Olympics together in Milan.

The ski lifts are numerous and beautiful.

Cortina d'Ampezzo
Address: 32100 Belluno
Phone: 0436 025274

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