The "Tre Cime di Lavaredo" are among the most famous peaks of the Dolomites, in the territory of the Sesto Dolomites, considered among the best known natural wonders in the world of mountaineering, with the Cima Grande representing one of the classic north faces of the Alps, and allow the panoramic view of the surrounding peaks and the Tre Cime Natural Park.

The oldest attestations of the toponym refer to the German forms, so much so that the denominations Dreyspiz, dreÿ Spitz and Zwain hohen Spizenn have been found since the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the famous "Atlas Tyrolensis" of 1774 by Peter Anich and Blasius Hueber the peaks are referred to as 3 Zinnern Spize. However the evidence supporting the German origin of the toponym is rather sparse.

Between 1915 and 1917 the peaks of the Lavaredo formed the war front. From this period, remains are still evident (trenches, tunnels, barracks) on the massif and on the nearby Monte Paterno.
On July 9, 1974, a Bell 206 helicopter of the Italian Army (acronym "EI613"), piloted by Captain Pier Maria Medici of the ALE, fell between the Three Peaks and Mount Paterno. On board there were also two SM officers of the "Tridentina" Alpine Brigade. In memory of the accident, between the two mountains there is a commemorative plaque, also composed of the same blades of the helicopter.
Tre Cime di Lavaredo
Address: Via Dolomiti 29
Phone: 0474 913 156
https://www.tre-cime.info/it/alta-pusteria/vacanze-in-alta-val-pusteria/tre-cime-unesco.htmlLocation inserted by
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