Pelmo is one of the best known and most loved mountains in the Belluno Dolomites, located between the Val di Zoldo, the Valle di Boite and Selva di Cadore. Also known as "caregon de 'l Padreterno", due to the singular concave shape at the base of the summit which makes it similar to a gigantic throne, the relief is divided into two main peaks: the Pelmo (in the north) and the Pelmetto (in the south ), separated by a deep hole, the so-called crack.

The geological aspects of this area are particularly interesting: the first evidence of the presence of dinosaurs in the Dolomite region was found at the foot of the Pelmetto.

From the tourist point of view, in addition to offering the possibility to undertake beautiful excursions, the Pelmo is, together with Mount Civetta, one of the favorite destinations for all rock enthusiasts.
Monte Pelmo
Address: 32040, Belluno
Phone: 0437 940300
https://www.dolomiti.it/it/natura/montagne/il-monte-pelmo/Location inserted by
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