The Faraglioni of Capri are three rocky peaks located south-east of the homonymous island, famous all over the world thanks to the suggestive and historical overview offered by the gardens of Augustus.

These protrusions are identified with three distinct names: the first (joined to the mainland) is the Faraglione di Terra; the second, separated from the first by the sea, is that of Mezzo; while the third, reaching out towards the sea, is the Faraglione di Fuori. The latter is well known because it is the only habitat of the famous blue lizard.

In reality there is also a fourth faraglione, called the Monacone rock, which stands behind the three best known. The name is probably attributable to marine oxen, a species of seals that lived near the rock until 1904, the year in which the last specimen was assassinated at Palazzo a Mare.
On the rock there are remains of Roman masonry, attributed without any criterion to the remains of the tomb of the architect of Augustus: Masgaba. Other theories, however, suggest a function of tanks for salting fish or even a fence for rearing rabbits.
Faraglioni di Capri
Address: 80073
Phone: 0565 912191
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