The Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio is a Catholic basilica, located in the square of the same name in Milan, near Porta Ticinese. The basilica was probably founded around the year 344.

According to tradition, Sant'Eustorgio received directly from the emperor Constant I, as a gift, a huge stone sarcophagus containing the relics of the Magi, from the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (where they had been buried several decades earlier by the empress Sant ' Elena, who had found them during her pilgrimage to the Holy Land).

Transported on a cart, he stopped near the Holy Bodies of Milan, at the gates of the city, since the oxen that hauled the enormous weight, at a certain point, collapsed fatigued. Bishop Eustorgio, however, interpreted everything as the will of the relics themselves in order to remain at that point, abandoning the idea of ​​being buried in the Basilica of Santa Tecla, as was initially expected.

As a result, a new place of worship was built outside the city walls, or a new basilica which was later named after Sant'Eustorgio, who asked to be buried there in turn right next to the Magi themselves.
Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio
Address: Piazza Sant'Eustorgio, 1, 20122
Phone: 02 5810 1583
http://www.santeustorgio.it/Location inserted by
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