The Belluno Dolomites National Park is a national park located in the province of Belluno, in northern Veneto, established in 1988, included in the section of the Dolomites site, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2009.

In 1988 the institution of the Belluno Dolomites National Park is planned, which took concrete form in 1990 with the institution of the Ministry of the Environment.

In 1993 the Park manager was appointed. Initially the surface of the park was 15,030.22 hectares, subsequently expanded to 31,512 hectares.

With Decree of the President of the Republic, published in the Official Gazette no. 108 of 9 May 2008, the park is involved in a new perimeter, according to natural and clearly identifiable borders (ridges, rivers, roads, etc.), meeting the needs of the municipalities: unlike the "old" 1990 borders, identified on a 1: 100,000 scale map, the new boundaries are defined in two 1: 25,000 scale maps, accompanied by 12 detailed tables in 1: 10,000 scale, to ensure precision that will no longer give rise to doubts about the actual trend of the border of the Park.

Dolomites park
Address: Dolomiti Bellunesi
Phone: 0439 3328
http://www.dolomitipark.it/Location inserted by
Culturalword Abco