CulturalHeritageOnline: Castelluccio


Castelluccio is a fraction of the municipality of Norcia (PG) in Umbria, one of the highest inhabited centers of the Apennines. On 30 October 2016 it was almost completely destroyed by an important seismic event: the bell tower and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta were completely lost, while some works of considerable historical-artistic value kept in the church were made safe before the collapses.


The town is located on the Umbrian-Marchigiano Apennines, about 28 km from Norcia, at an altitude of 1452 m. which make it one of the highest inhabited centers of the Apennines, placed on top of a hill that rises on the homonymous plateau among the largest in Central Italy and inserted in the Monti Sibillini National Park, reachable through a panoramic road. In front of it stands the outline of Monte Vettore (2448 m).

The Castelluccio weather station is the reference weather station for the town of Castelluccio. Based on the 30-year reference average of 1961-1990, the average temperature of the coldest month, January, stands at -2.9 ° C; that of the hottest month, July, is +16.0 ° C. Average annual rainfall is around 1100 mm, spread over 105 days on average, with a relative minimum in summer and a peak in autumn. On average there are 132 days of frost per year.

On March 2, 2005, following a descent of a mass of cold air from Siberia to Pian Grande, a minimum temperature of -32 ° was reached, which still represents one of the lowest temperatures in Italy.

Address: 06046
Phone: 0743.828173

Location inserted by Culturalword Abco

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