Valguarnera Gangi Palace, a noble palace of the '700 still "alive" is an authentic jewel of the Baroque set in the heart of ancient Palermo.

Looking at it from the outside there is a need for great imagination to be able to imagine how beautiful it is inside.

In the Piazza Croce dei Vespri, in the Kalsa district, the main front of Palazzo Valguarnera Gangi extends in all its grandeur, which for the great magnificence of its rooms, for the integral preservation of the interior furnishings, and for its extraordinarily grandiose layout , it can be considered one of the most representative palaces of the late Palermo baroque.

Today the palace belongs to the Vanni Mantegna princes of San Vincenzo, who took over the ownership of the palace for hereditary transmission in 1995.

From the magnificence of Palazzo Valguarnera-Gangi that Luchino Visconti drew inspiration for the setting of the ball in the film, based on the novel of the same name, Il Gattopardo of 1963.

The Palace can be visited only by reservation for groups of no less than 20 people and non-school groups.

Valguarnera-Gangi Palace
Address: Piazza Croce dei Vespri, 6, 90133
Phone: 0916162718
https://www.palermoviva.it/palazzo-valguarnera-gangi/Location inserted by