Villa Widmann, also known by other names: Sceriman, Foscari, Costanzo, between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries housed famous people from history and art.

The chronicles report the presence in the rooms of this eighteenth-century Venetian villa built on the Riviera del Brenta (in the Venetian municipality of Mira) of the great playwright Carlo Goldoni, dear friend of Ludovico Widmann, count originally from Carinthia and passionate about theater.

Even the patriarch of Venice Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto had the opportunity to enjoy the redundant rococo scrolls and the frescoes in the ballroom created by Giuseppe Angeli. The Russian composer Igor Stravinskij loved to walk in the garden dotted with Cupids and Water Lilies carved in soft stone.

Statues that the writer Gabriele D'Annunzio, also a frequent visitor of Villa Widmann as a brotherly friend of the owner, Count Pietro Foscari, saw as a "scattered people, still white, or gray, or yellow with lichen, or green with moss, or spotted, and in all attitudes and with all gestures, Iddie, Heroes, Nymphs, Seasons, Hours….".

We too can be hosted by such beauty.

Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari
Address: Via Nazionale, 420, 30034
Phone: 041 424973
https://villawidmann.servizimetropolitani.ve.it/Location inserted by
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