One of the most famous places of the city of Treviso is the so-called Casa dei Carraresi, which takes its name from the noble family of Lombard origin that ruled the cities of Padua and Treviso during the fourteenth century.

In fact, the name is linked solely to the presence of the emblem of the Da Carrara family on the facade, since the documentary sources tell a totally different story.

Currently, as a result of substantial restoration work, Casa dei Carraresi has become one of the most important cultural centres of the city and has spontaneously taken on the role once attributed to ‘Osteria alla Croce’: that of an important knowledge reference point for 'foreigners' arriving in Treviso.

Casa dei Carraresi Museum
Address: Via Palestro 33/35, 31100 Treviso TV
Phone: 0422 513150
http://www.casadeicarraresi.it/Location inserted by
Antonio Zanatta