The Vatican Gardens occupy 0.23 (23 hectares) of the 0.44 km² of the Vatican City and extend from the south to the north-west of the small state.

The Vatican Museums separate them from the northern area, where the banks, the newspaper and the Apostolic Palaces reside where the Pontiff lives.

The period of greatest architectural development of the Gardens is however between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when artists and architects such as Donato Bramante and Pirro Ligorio (his is the Casina of Pius IV) worked there, as well as painters and engravers who portray the beauty of the place , including Antonio Tempesta, Giovanni Maggi and Giovanni Battista Falda. Renaissance culture, art and philosophy influence gardens not only through the architecture itself, but also through the construction of fountains, statues and small temples.

Vatican Gardens
Address: Via Paolo VI, 29, 00120
Phone: 06 6988 4676
http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/it/visita-i-musei/scegli-la-visita/ville-pontificie-e-giardini/giardini-vaticani/giardini-vaticani.htmlLocation inserted by