Created by Paul VI in 1973 and set up in a large room under the Square Garden, it preserves saddles, carriages, cars and sedan chairs used by various popes.

Among the curiosities, in addition to the nineteenth-century carriages, the model of the first locomotive of the Vatican City (1929).

Of particular note is the Gran Gala sedan built for Pope Leo XII and used until Pius XI.

The Carriage Pavilion is a detached section of the Historical Museum which since 1991 has been housed in the Papal Apartment of the Lateran Apostolic Palace.

Carriage Pavilion of the Vatican Museums
Address: Viale Centro del Bosco, 00120
https://www.vaticanstate.va/it/monumenti/musei-vaticani/museo-storico-padiglione-delle-carrozze.htmlLocation inserted by