Palenque is a Mayan archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Chiapas, not far from the Usumacinta river and about 130 km south of Ciudad del Carmen. It is a medium-sized site, smaller than Tikal and Copán, but contains some of the most beautiful works of architecture and sculpture that the Mayans have produced.

The area covers about 2.5 km², but it is estimated that less than 10% of the total surface that reached the city was explored, as still many structures remain covered by the forest. In 1981, Palenque was designated a "Protected Area" and in 1987 UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site.

Address: Carretera a Palenque. 8, 29960 Palenque, Messico
Phone: +52 916 345 2721
http://mundomaya.travel/it/arqueologia/top-10/item/palenque.htmlLocation inserted by
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