The Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex E Organized in the Mission area where attractions and tours are grouped in chronological times. From the dawn of space exploration to current and ongoing Missions, It is possible to get a Direct and Close feel for the history of the Human in Space. Feed your search for INSPIRATION right here.

What Started As a Space Race Between Two World Superpowers Inspired INSPIRATION for Perseverance, Wit and Destiny. Now, testify to the Dimensions and Dimensions of the Saturn V moon rocket, and feel the excitement of the Apollo Era with a captivating Collection of Experiences.

Stay in awe of an American icon in the permanent home of the current Atlantis space shuttle. Then, take off for take-off at the Shuttle Launch Experience ®. Thirty years of NASA's Space Shuttle Program come to life in this Mission Zone.

Here is your chance to learn about the NASA missions, where we are now a dove we will go AFTER!

info and times: Open every days from 09:00 to 18:00
John F. Kennedy Space Center
Address: Florida 32899, USA
Phone: +1 321-867-5000
https://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/Location inserted by
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