The Catedral de Mármol (marble cathedral) is a mineral formation of calcium carbonate located along the coast of Lake Buenos Aires / General Carrera, in Chile. Next to it is the Capilla de Mármol (marble chapel).

Over time the waters of the lake have eroded the coastal escarpments creating these spectacular formations, which when the water level of the lake is lowered can be traversed inside them with small boats.

The cathedral is one of the small islands that lie a few meters from the shore, and they are called Catedral de Mármol, Capilla de Mármol and Caverna de Mármol. The nearest port to the formations is Puerto Río Tranquilo (in the municipality of Río Ibánez, 223 km from Coyhaique, capital of the Aysén region).
Marble Caves
Address: Chile Chico, Aysén, Cile
Phone: +56 9 6592 2759
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Culturalword Abco