Civic Tower - Clock Tower

The Civic Tower or Clock Tower, originally part of a defensive system of the walled city which consisted of eleven towers and small turrets, since 1573 was equipped with a public clock and a "Deputy to the Custody, and regulation of the same" also if from the currently known documentation the details of the mechanism that powered the ancient clock are not known (Barcella, 1839).

Map: Civic Tower - Clock Tower

vCard Info:

Address: Piazzetta Edmondo Matter, 30174
Mestre (VE) Veneto

Latitude: 45.49486783566204
Longitude: 12.242739200592041
Site: https://www.beniculturalionlin...

vCard created by: Culturalword Abco
Currently owned by: 00002593

Type: Manufactured
Function: Fortification
Creation date: 10-01-2020 07:49
Last update: 11/07/2022
vCard Value: $4,00
vCard Views: 480