Egg Castle - Marine Castle - Virtual Tour 360°

Egg Castle - Marine Castle (Castel dell'Ovo - Castel Marino) it is the oldest castle in the city of Naples and, not surprisingly, it is one of the prominent elements in the famous panorama of its gulf.

It no longer has its original appearance due to various reconstructions over the centuries.

Due to various events that partially destroyed the original Norman appearance and thanks to the subsequent reconstruction works that took place during the Angevin and Aragonese period, the architectural line of the castle changed drastically until it reached the state it is in today.

Its curious name derives from an ancient Neapolitan legend that would trace its name to the egg that Virgil, also considered a magician in the Middle Ages, would have hidden inside a cage in the basement of the castle.

The place where the egg was kept was closed by heavy locks and kept secret since "all facti and the fortune of Castel Marino hung from that egg", the egg would have had the ability to keep the entire fortress standing .

Since then its break would have caused not only the collapse of the castle, but also a series of disastrous catastrophes in the city of Naples.

So the fate of the Castle, together with that of the entire city of Naples, was linked to that of the egg.

The chronicles report that, at the time of Queen Giovanna I, the castle suffered extensive damage due to the collapse of the arch that unites the two rocks on which it is built and the Queen was forced to solemnly declare that she had replaced the egg. to prevent panic from spreading in the city for fear of new and more serious disasters.

During the fourteenth century, the castle suffered extensive damage.

To prevent panic from spreading among the people, the queen had to swear that she had replaced the egg.

Video: Egg Castle - Marine Castle - Virtual Tour 360°

Map: Egg Castle - Marine Castle - Virtual Tour 360°

vCard Info:

Address: Via Eldorado, 3, 80132
Napoli (NA) Campania

Latitude: 40.82761177066219
Longitude: 14.248033761978148

vCard created by:
Currently owned by: 00002676

Type: Building
Function: Castle
Creation date:
Last update: 02/12/2021
vCard Value: $8,00
vCard Views: 949